This week, my sole focus is on cluttering The Tower while Ali works on texturing. The objective for me was to create a sense of eerie desolation and heighten the atmosphere of the tower, adding depth and immersion to the game environment.

To begin, I focused on incorporating TVs throughout the tower. These screens served as visual elements that contributed to the mysterious and ominous ambiance. Placing them strategically I aimed to evoke a feeling of surveillance or distorted communication within the tower. The TV screens themselves will display glitchy videos from the worlds ‘former days’, or distorted imagery, further enhancing the foreboding atmosphere. This will be added into Unity next week when we also add sound files.

In addition to the TV screens, I introduced scattered trash throughout the tower. The trash served as a visual representation of neglect and decay, adding to the sense of abandonment and desolation - but also making the space look lived in by perhaps hopeless citizens. I carefully placed piles of discarded objects, broken furniture, and scattered debris around creating an environment that felt lived-in but in a state of disarray. Furthermore, the inclusion of birds and rats on the tower add an element of movement and life. While they’re not actually moving, I’m hoping it’ll somehow seem less static and create an illusion of life.

tower 1.png

tower 2.png

Untitled (13).mp4

Above is my completed Tower, minus textures and lights.

From this, alongside Ali’s newly designed map, we were able to create Version 0.0.13:

0.0.13 (10/05)

+Added tower into the game

+Added fish eye effect to the camera with (FOV) 80 > we decided to change the field of view simply because it made everything look slightly bigger. The Tower seems more menacing and the space becomes all the more confusing with its newly distorted angles.

WEEK 12_ 16/05-22/05